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Cavansite in Stilbite-1.3

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Cavansite in Stilbite-1.3

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Product Size - Height: 6cm, Width: 6cm


Cavansite is a stone of transition through major life changes. It aids you to let go of faulty thinking and be comfortable in the knowledge of your actions.

It aids you to remember information gained from spiritual journeys, and facilitates the clear communication of messages from the spirit world.

It aids your ability to connect with spirit, help you to access the Akashic records and is a highly useful stone for those in psychic employment.

It helps you to make sense of previous experiences, or life lessons that you may have had difficulty with in the past, and to optimistically and happily deal it. It has a lovely heart felt energy, that is excellent to use in meditation.

This lovely crystal embodies the energy of the purest blue ray which is why it has such a strong energy in the throat area.

This will allow you to be able to express more clearly, any spiritual communication that comes through to you.

This crystal will unite the throat chakra with the third eye chakra, and this unity of the two chakras is highly beneficial. This blue stone is a powerful asset to use during your daily meditation

Using Cavansite alone, or in the Cavansite and Stilbite combination, is wonderful for aiding your daily meditation. They are a balm to the emotions and bring harmony and restful repose. The combination stones are wonderful crystals to assist you if you have trouble sleeping.






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